Please address all inquiries for research cooperations and partnerships with Prof. Dr. Holger H. Hoos or related to the Chair for Artificial Intelligence Methodology to our Research Network Coordinator.
Our research is aimed at creating the next generation of human-centred AI systems and at facilitating their broad use for the benefit of society and humanity ("AI for All" and "AI for Good").
In addition to the research on the foundations of AI, particularly on topics in machine learning, automated reasoning and optimisation, our work focuses on applications in the fields of medicine and health, in the protection of our environment and habitat, and in the support of artistic activities. Much of our research falls into the area of automated AI (including automated machine learning), which includes the automated construction, customisation, monitoring and analysis of AI algorithms and systems, with the goal of increasing performance and robustness while lowering the level of expertise required for using AI techniques effectively and responsibly.
For on overview of recent publications see the publication list of the ADA group.
Please visit the Theses or Jobs page if you are interested in research-oriented thesis projects or student assistant jobs.