AIM News

AI Week 2025

The AI Week of the AI Centre of RWTH Aachen University will take place from 19 to 23 May 2025. You can find more information here.

Tag der Informatik 2025

On 5 June 2025, we are organising the ‘Tag der Informatik’ at RWTH Aachen University. Be curious about what we have planned…

New Press Articles available!

Holger Hoos has been interviewed by journalists from the Aachener Zeitung, taz and SüdWestPresse. You can find the latest articles on our media website.

New Press Articles available!

Prof. Hoos has been interviewed in recent days by journalists from the Aachener Zeitung and WDR, among others, about the Microsoft investment in Germany.

You can find the latest articles on our media website.

TISMIR Call for Papers

TISMIR Special Collection on Multi-Modal Music Information Retrieval (Deadline for submission: 01.08.2024)

Further information about the topics and submission guidelines available here.

Upcoming Colloquium on 17.04.2024

On Wednesday, 17 April 2024, AIM will be hosting Dr. Leonardo Bezerra for a hybrid talk on “Promoting and sustaining accountability in artificial intelligence applications” from 9:00 to 10:00. Further information about the talk and registration available here.

Recording of Talk by Holger Hoos at Hessian AICon 2023

Professor Holger Hoos spoke about "The Importance of Being Earnest: The Future of AI made in Europe" at the research & innovation conference AICon organised by Hessian AI last year in July 2023.

The video is available here until 13 March, 2024.

Upcoming Colloquium on 12.03.2024

On Tuesday, 13 March, 2024, AIM will be hosting Prof. Dr. Marius Lindauer for a hybrid talk on “AutoML: From Full Automation to A Human-Centered Approach” from 13:00 to 14:00. Further information about the talk and registration available here.

SIGMA Workshop on 15.02.2024

On Thursday, 15 February 2024, AIM will be hosting a SIGMA hybrid workshop “Special Interest Group on Music Analysis” from 14:00 to 16:20. Further information about the worskhop and registration available here.

Welcome PhD students!

This is an exciting time for our research group! This months (April 2023) our group grew considerably; in total three new PhD students joined. Julian Dierkes and Wadie Skaf had their first day of work on 1 April while Henning Duwe started today. Wadie will focus on AutoAI for time series. Julian is excited about AutoAI methods for reinforcement learning. Henning will explore two different topics in the beginning: first, automating coding with large language models and second Neural Network Verification. We are sure that the three will be an enrichment for the ADA Group!

Welcome Maddy Ruppé!

In the beginning of March, Maddy Ruppé joined our group. During her work at the International Office of RWTH Aachen University, she discovered her passion for event management and international cooperation, which she will put to good use as a research network coordinator at AIM.

Welcome to the team, Tarek and Marc!

Both Tarek Junied and Marc Thiemann have been with us as student employees since the end of October. Both Tarek and Marc will support us in various task from chair construction to implementation of new features in our software libraries.

Welcome to the team, Marcel Baumann!

Marcel has joined the growing AIM team as our second student worker. Doing a master’s degree in computer science at RWTH Aachen he will assist in the chair construction and will work on the Sparkle platform.

Welcome to the team, Marie Anastacio!

In the beginning of July, Marie Anastacio joined AIM as a postdoc. Before that, she did her PhD with Holger Hoos at Leiden University (The Netherlands) about automated algorithm configuration and a Master’s degree in Trois-Rivières (Canada) on natural language processing. She is also co-founder of the CLAIRE Rising Researcher Network. During her Postdoc, she aims at participating in more multi-disciplinary projects as well as continuing her research about automated Artificial Intelligence.

Welcome to the team, Malte Schwerin!

Malte is our first student worker. Studying for a master’s degree in computer science at RWTH Aachen he will sparkle our team.

Preliminary Aim Website Launched

Our new Chair for AI Methodology (AIM; Informatik 14) is under heavy construction! We are a small group at the moment: the academic part consists of Prof. Dr. Holger Hoos as the chair holder and Dr. Jakob Bossek as assistant professor (Akademischer Rat). Andrea Gibbels supports us in administration and Dipl. Inform. Willi Geffers keeps all technical systems running. At the moment of writing we are still very busy with all kinds of administrative tasks, e.g., ordering furniture for our rooms at Theaterstraße 35-39, organising teaching, getting familiar with the workflows at the RWTH.